Inmate Programs
Ed Hayes
Assistant Superintendent
The view of the Franklin County Jail and House of Correction is that research based programming and treatment is essential to reduce inmate recidivism and support public safety. Programming is assessment driven and an individualized treatment plan targets specific risks and needs for each offender. The goal of the Treatment and Programs Division is to support offenders’ successful reintegration into the community upon release -- work toward reentry begins on an inmate’s first day of incarceration.

Treatment and Programming
The Franklin County Jail is a locked treatment facility. The view of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) is that through treatment, programming, and case management support, incarcerated persons are better able to reintegrate into the community and end the cycle of crime and incarceration.
FCSO uses an evidence-based approach to offering programming. The Risk-Need-Responsivity model indicates that programming should be based on assessment, and targeted toward individual needs. The FCSO model is nationally recognized. Learn more about FCSO programming and watch an instructive webinar on the National Reentry Resource Center website:
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder
As of 2018, over 40% of people incarcerated at the Franklin County Jail self-identified as an opioid user. People leaving jail are at 50 times the risk of overdose death than the general public.
FCSO currently offers three types of MAT:
Naltrexone (Vivitrol)
Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone)
Naloxone (Narcan)
Behavioral Health Support
Over 90% of individuals incarcerated at the Franklin County Jail suffer from a substance use disorder. And 86% have both a substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder. Most individuals have lives filled with trauma. Acknowledging and addressing this helps support individuals to lead productive lives after jail.
The FCSO program is trauma-informed and relies on mindfulness-based therapies like Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). A team of licensed behavioral health clinicians offer weekly group and individual counseling.
Education and Vocational Training
FCSO offers adult education classes to support students in basic literacy, attain a high school equivalency, and learn financial and computer skills. The FCSO proudly partners with Greenfield Community College to offer introductory college programming. Education pathways exist to enter the farm & food systems as well as manufacturing field.
Incarceration is difficult for families. FCSO offers programming to help incarcerated parents learn positive ways to stay in touch and be with their children. FCSO also offers bi-monthly contact visit events for incarcerated parents to practice parenting skills with their children. <PICTURES>
After Incarceration Reentry Support
The first days after incarceration are a fragile period for people. FCSO employs post-release reentry caseworkers to help individuals navigate resources and systems to best support clients in the community. These reentry caseworkers (RCWs) help with: health insurance, SNAP benefits, housing support, employment, school placements, recovery, detox, and many other things. The reentry team can be contacted by phone or email.
Picture of Ruben w/ contact; Picture of Jenn Avery w/ contact; Picture of Jen Brzezinksi w/ contact.
The Minimum Security facility houses 28 beds for sentenced inmates who qualify for this treatment program. Inmates participate in off-site community service during the day and work to repair and restore public parks, fairgrounds, schools, churches, and similar sites. In the afternoon and evening, inmates engage in education and treatment programs such as substance abuse treatment, GED preparation, anger management therapy, etc.
The goal of this voluntary program is to encourage offenders to analyze their decision-making habits, evaluate personal values, develop empathy for others, consider ways to make amends, and set goals for the future. Inmates meet in a pro-social group environment with community volunteers twice a month for about four to six meetings. Victims of crimes have the opportunity to communicate their needs and wants to the offender.
The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Education Program offers support for learners across a wide continuum. Adult basic education classes focus on improving literacy, math, and basic financial and life skills. GED classes and on-site monthly testing are provided for inmates to attain high school equivalency diplomas. Classes are also offered in health & wellness and computer literacy.
In recognition that a high school diploma is often no longer sufficient for adults to obtain financially sustainable work, the FCSO has partnered with Greenfield Community College to offer post-secondary education for inmates who qualify for the program. Post-secondary classes focus on improving math and writing skills. College programming includes classes that follow the “Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program” model where students from the general community meet together with incarcerated students in one classroom inside the house of correction.
Assistance is offered for incarcerated students to follow through with their education upon release. Placements are made in community adult learning centers as well as in post-secondary institutions such as trade schools and community colleges.
Substance abuse and untreated addictions are a leading factor in the development of criminal behavior and incarceration. The FCSO Substance Abuse Treatment Program is comprehensive and evidence based. Inmates are assessed according to the stages of change model and placed into treatment appropriate to their level of commitment to sobriety. All inmates receive an introductory educational course on substance abuse and various forms of addictions. The program draws upon curricula such as “Living in Balance” by Hoffman, Landry, and Caudill and cognitive behavioral change approaches, such as ‘relapse prevention.’ The program also includes process groups and journaling classes.
Inmates are also encouraged to attend on-site Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings and meet with sponsors while incarcerated when possible. Support is emphasized with re-entry. Inmates meet with counseling staff for placement into supportive programs upon release such as half-way houses, treatment programs, counseling, and other recovery supports.
The FCSO offers a variety of treatment to meet the risks and needs of its offender population. Programs rely on evidenced-based treatment and predominantly use cognitive behavioral change methodology for maladaptive behaviors and thought processes. Programs include: Anger Management, Thinking for a Change, Sex Offender Treatment, and Parenting.
The FCSO offers job-readiness training through its culinary arts, print shop, and auto-detailing programs. Inmates learn job skills while performing functions for the Sheriff’s Office and community.
The Kimball House is a comprehensive residential reentry program designed to assist inmates in regaining a full, healthy, supportive life within the community. These minimum security residents are required to participate in on-site treatment and supervised, off-site community service. Classes included in the treatment program are designed to look at behavioral patterns, addiction, relapse triggers, and what leads one to difficulty with the criminal justice system. In addition to these categories, GED classes, life skills, and substance abuse classes support residents.
The Minimum Security facility houses 28 beds for sentenced inmates who qualify for this treatment program. Inmates participate in off-site community service during the day and work to repair and restore public parks, fairgrounds, schools, churches, and similar sites. In the afternoon and evening, inmates engage in education and treatment programs such as substance abuse treatment, GED preparation, anger management therapy, etc.
The goal of this voluntary program is to encourage offenders to analyze their decision-making habits, evaluate personal values, develop empathy for others, consider ways to make amends, and set goals for the future. Inmates meet in a pro-social group environment with community volunteers twice a month for about four to six meetings. Victims of crimes have the opportunity to communicate their needs and wants to the offender.